Part 124: Be careful, friends. I fear the danger has only just begun.
And so the crisis in the Malga Mine stemming from the orbal shutdown phenomenon ended safely.

After returning to the surface and celebrating their escape with the miners...Estelle's group carried on to town with Gaton to bring Ridge home and report their success.
-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

Mine Chief Gaton: Yep. It was the missy here and her friends who saved us. Last time she came to help us, she seemed a little...unreliable. This time, though? Night and day. It's like a whole new person came to help.

Mine Chief Gaton: Ain't no cause to be humble, missy. It's how I feel, and it's the truth.

Mine Chief Gaton: Exactly right. I probably noticed 'cause it's been so darn long. Point is, missy, you did a hell of a job in there. Be proud.

Mine Chief Gaton: Right, then. You all deserve a more proper thanks...I really need to get back to the mine, though. Despite everything that happened, we're gonna keep working.

Mine Chief Gaton: Yeah, we can still get plenty done in the upper levels. Give my best to Ridge, too, will you? Hope he ends up okay. Looked like he got worked over by a Cronocider...

Mine Chief Gaton: That's a relief. I'll be heading out then. Thanks again. You really saved our bacon.

Mine Chief Gaton: See you!

Reported results for [Elize Highway Monster].
Payment in mira: 5500 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+0)
Reported results for [Milch Main Road Monster].
Payment in mira: 5000 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+0)
Reported results for [Rescue the Miners].
Payment in mira: 10000 (+0)
Gained BP: 8 (+0)
Rank advancement to [Senior Bracer - B+ Rank].
Received Strega B1 accessory as a perk.

The Topaz Gem you get from the Armored Hydra is your top-grade Defense quartz.

The Strega B1s provide excellent DEF and a stupidly high MOV bonus.

Ridge: Um...Thanks for what you did at the mine.

Ridge: Wh...?

Ridge: Th-Thanks...B-But I've still got a long way to go.

Ridge: Y-Yes...! I'll do my best and catch up to you as soon as I can!

Ridge: My body still hurts, but...I feel so satisfied somehow. I'm really...glad I became a bracer. Looking back over these events fills me with that feeling.

-Madrigal of the White Magnolia: Castle-

Father Divine: ...Now. Please exchange your rings and seal your oath with a kiss...

Armand: Ellie...
Ellie: Armand...

Father Divine: In the name of the Goddess of creation, Aidios...Here and now, I declare you man and wife.

-Go In Good Cheer-

Sister May: All unmarried women, please step forward.

Young Woman: Ellieee! Throw it over heeeeere!

Ellie: Well, everyone, don't be upset if it misses you! One, two...THREE!

Young Woman: Where're you throwing iiiiiit?!
Ellie what was that.
There never was a crow that stole her ring, was there? She flung it all the way up Esmelas Tower by accident, and Armand decided to save face for her by framing some innocent corvid.

Young Woman: Ummm...

Kitty: It just fell from the sky...
Ellie: Oh! So you picked it up? That's the wedding bouquet I threw.
Kitty: WHAAAAA?!
Armand: Congratulations, miss. I'm sure you have a wonderful future ahead of you!
Kitty: Oh, no, no, no...I-I-I...I'm not ready! What do I do?!

Father Divine: With...that, the wedding ceremony is now formally concluded!
Sister May: May Aidios' grace shine on you forevermore.
Ellie: Thank you, Sister May.
Armand: You too, Father Divine...Thank you so much.
Father Divine: Though our kingdom is beset on all sides by storms and turmoil. I pray to She Who Dwells Above that the new tree of your family weathers it all and grows strong and happy. If you wish to thank me, and all assembled, for this day, tend that tree and one another as I know you can.
Armand: ...We will! I swear!

-Welcome to Le Locle-

Ellie: I promise. I promise we'll be happy. Thank you so much for coming. Please, enjoy yourselves.
Armand: Hey, bracers! Thank you so much for coming! I'm glad you could attend the ceremony. There's been a lot of bad happenings lately, but enjoy yourselves while you can. It's a rare chance to celebrate, after all.

Elissa: Sorry it's so crowded. We have a wedding party in today. Thanks to that, our kitchen's an absolute battlefield right now. Not only are we crazy busy, but we can't use orbments...
Bride's Family: The bride's dress was beautifully tailored. Ahhh, I wish her father could have seen it...
I'm relieved the ceremony went okay. I'm sure her father was watching from heaven.
My sister's dress was so pretty. I wanna be a bride soon, too.
Bride's Friends: Ellie and Armand. They look really happy. I envy 'em...Maybe I should start seriously looking for someone.
Ellie was positively glowing today. I wonder if you can really change so much just by donning a dress.
It helps if it's easy to fight in.
Groom's Family: Armand was sooo cool at the wedding. It's the first time my brother's really seemed like a grown man.
No, no. Now that it's over, it was a wonderful wedding ceremony. Let us celebrate the future of our newly wedded couple with a drink!
Yeah, this place is as good as people say. The food is great. Thanks to that, my dress is feeling a bit tight already...

Faulkner: All right, just a bit more. This is where I gotta hold on. Excuse me. I'll take that.

Received Gambler Jack - Vol. 11.
Serra: Ahhhhh...The liquor's great today. It tastes even better since it's free! I helped dress her, so I have the right to attend the party, right?

Densel: Pleasant conversation, well wishing...And delicious food to commemorate the moment. Mmm, this is perfect. This is a happy moment for me as a cook.

Tabitha: I'm still worried about stock, but we can manage with a few of my tricks. If we can keep this up, then we can stay open for business.
-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

Father Divine: Did you all attend as well?

Father Divine: It is worthwhile to contemplate such turning points in life. After all, it's not such a long way away for you.
Freemont: Ahh, weddings are so touching. Remembering our own time made me a bit wet in the eyes. W-We're not even family, either...It's a bit embarrassing.
Euridice: It was such a wonderful ceremony that I just want to bask in the moment for a bit...So my husband and I decided to remain here for a bit. This might be the first time my husband and I have come to the chapel since our wedding ceremony...Hmm-hmm, sometime soon we might just have to come back here and go over our own oaths again.

Pat: And, um, Mom made Luke come along with us, too. I kinda feel bad for Luke.
Luke: Man, Pat's mom is SO mean! I was just playing here, and she came and dragged me to church. And then she said I had to sit still and be quiet for, like, ever! And ever! What is it with adults and doing boring stuff? I'm never gonna have a wedding, even when I grow up!

Ida: *siiiiiiiiiigh* I wish I could set up a wedding like that for Aryll. Heeey, Aryllll! You should talk to your man about it!
Aryll: Nya~o.

Claire: I heard you're already hard at work! You saved everyone over at the mine, right?

Claire: You only just got back and you're already doing great things! That's the Estelle and Joshua I know! If you keep this up, I bet you'll figure out what the floating island is in no time! Remember to give me the scoop when you do! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...mmm. There's nothing really neato happening at Armand's wedding. But! Even the boring news is needed to put a paper together! The Liberl News taught me that! Yeah, when you think about it like that, Armand's wedding is a perfect page-filler!

Rinon: She sure was acting super cheerful for some reason. I guess something good happened?

Kitty: I didn't think I'd catch the wedding bouquet...Heehee, I wonder if it'll actually work its magic on me?
Bloom: The ceremony today was quite lovely. It really hit me right in the heart. I want Rinon to have a ceremony that lovely...

Anya: But then he had to go right back to work...

Frissa: Apparently there was a little trouble at the mine, but it seems they're going to keep working anyway. You'd think if he was coming home, he'd at least STAY home at a time like this. Well, I know that stubborn head of his, and there's no stopping him when he's like this.

-Rock on the Road-

Miner Landan: The other miners are already back to work. You're welcome to go say hello if you like.
I could see mistaking Joshua for a lady after all the dresses he's had to wear, but Zane? I think Landan's been down in this mine too long.
-Wandering in the Darkness-

Mine Chief Gaton: Thanks to you kids, we're already hard at work again. The elevator's still a busted piece of junk, but there's no use whining about it. We're just trying to mine whatever we can for now. Wish we had something like that thing you used.

Miner Pierre: I get the feeling this whole thing was some kind of Divine Providence from Aidios Herself. I mean, this accident was something else. What do you think She was trying to tell us? I'm sure this whole mess was some kind of message from the Goddess! I'm going to comb through the Testaments again and see if I can figure out exactly what She's telling us.
Killer animal beasts are usually some kind of environmental message. Are you guys remembering to recycle and avoid littering?
Miner Heinrich: Pierre's going on and on about the Goddess being responsible for all this, as usual. Can't say I'm surprised, but...makes you wonder if he knows who really saved us. Hmph! If something like this happens again, can you do me a favor and NOT save him? That nitwit won't ever figure out a damn thing unless we shake him up a little!

Miner Trent: Work started just as I was finally about to go back and eat my lunch! So hungry...Can't...move...

Miner Bones: That's what he gets for only trying to save his own ass during the accident! Man, though...Don't think I've ever seen someone run that fast. Maybe he could try moving like that when he's working for once.

-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-

Royal Guardsman: This farm's nice and peaceful, but I'm worried about the other regions in the kingdom.

Royal Guardsman: It's so peaceful here, I'm halfway forgetting that we're in a state of emergency.

Tio: And it's causing lots of problems, since we can't use our pump or our greenhouse. Phew! Carrying buckets is a pain when you haven't done it in a while. And I haven't done it in a loooong time!

Chere: Some soldiers came by the house last night. Me and Mom made some sandwiches. The soldiers were really happy. I-I'll make one for you next time, okay?

Will: I'm helping Dad out with his work, just like you guys! With the orbments all busted, we all gotta pitch in.

Hannah: I'm sure they must realize how tough we've got it right now. Haha, I never thought the loss of orbment functionality would help bring us all together like this.

Franz: Guess tonight we'll have no choice but to cook on the hearth like in the old days. The kids prefer it that way anyway, so it's no big deal. I'm sure they'll be running around without a care no matter how they get their food. And we're just grateful they're getting it!
After all that 'Come back when you're done working' and 'You deserve a proper reward' talk, I was hoping the mine or the farm would have some kind of awesome new stuff. Oh well.
That's about all we can do for Rolent for the time being. Time to move on again.

-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

You can switch up your party at any Bracer Guild branch with a working phone.

Aina contacted the other branches and had members on standby assemble.

-Border Patrol Isn't Easy-

Warrant Officer Graves: On that glory and tradition, we swear to protect this place.
Private Ethan: Apparently the gate function's still not fixed. Man, I don't want to spend the night with it wide open like that.
Private Logan: It's a real blow to the Royal Army to have our airships grounded. After all, they're our country's ace in the hole when it comes to defense. The Empire has an air force too, but their main strength is their ground troops. Even if they're affected by this Orbal Shutdown mess, it won't be as bad as we have it.

Private Anden: We still don't have the slightest idea what it is. Talk about creepy...It's just floating there, but that makes it creepier...
We all float down here.

Emily: If I can't use my oven, then maybe I should make it all cold meals. A cold soup, a salad, and a carpaccio. How's that sound? It'll kind of end up as an appetizer selection, but that's kind of stylish, so it's okay, right? The problem might end up being getting enough to fill everyone's stomachs.

CWO Robin: If there's any exception, it'd be the Wolf Fort, but...Well, they take things at their own pace there.

Private Thomas: I wonder how the Empire will react to these events. We just signed a non-aggression pact with them, so I doubt they'll do anything too crazy, but still...

Private Stoll: Feels like something out of a fairy tale. It's just been one crazy thing after another in the kingdom lately. At this rate, I suppose the Goddess'll drop in for lunch next...Oops, pardon me. Didn't mean to insult She Above.
Private Barranco: Really, it's just one crazy event after the other. Compared to things these days, that coup d'etat from before almost seems like a game.
Coming up: Grancel.